Property Tax Search/Payments
The property information database is updated daily.  Last updated:4/25/2024 3:00 AM
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Property ID: 114-111-003060 Tax Year:

Property Tax Relief Due to COVID - 19

We are aware of the pressures on our community due to COVID-19. The County is required by law to collect property taxes as set forth in Minnesota Statutes. Minnesota Statutes require that the first half property tax payment be made on or before May 15. Unless the Minnesota legislature extends or modifies this deadline, that date remains in effect. The County does not have authority to extend the deadline for payment of property taxes.

On April 21st, 2020 the Wright County Board of Commissioners approved to reduce the penalty for late payments on first half property taxes.

If you cannot pay on time, to minimize the accrual of penalties on property taxes, the County encourages you to pay as much of your property taxes as you are able to on or before the deadline.

Total Tax 5,138.00
Tax Collected 5,240.76

Confession of Judgement (COJ) Total Amount Unpaid and Total Payoff Amount are not correct for COJ parcels. Please call 763-684-4540 for these amounts.
The Total Amount Unpaid does not include penalties. Penalty, interest & fees and all years unpaid taxes are included in the Total Payoff Amount. Late payments received without the penalty, interest & fees will be first applied to the penalty, interest & fees owed, leaving a tax amount due.   Online Payment Information

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As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations.